Do you know that tea is second most widely consumed drink in the world after water !....well it is.
Tea is consumed in every corner in different forms. Tea was also used as a medicinal drink as a home remedy. So..what makes tea such a popular drink ? Why is tea consumed in such a large scale all around the world ?.. Well here are some facts !
-Caffiene is also present in Coffee, Coke, Chocolates.
-Caffiene on entering our body affects various physiological systems like :-
1. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM(BRAIN): It beats boredom, refreshes ones mind and person feels fresh and active. (one of the reasons we drink tea to avoid sleep and tiredness).
2. METABOLISM- Caffiene to a smaller extent increases BMR of body. One of the reasons for slight increase in activeness.
3. SKELETAL MUSCLES: Caffiene increases strength of our muscles due to which muscular work is done more efficiently (one reason why labourers ask for tea again n again ! And people have tea/coffee before gym).
Also smooth muscles of intestine relaxes due to which there is relief in diarrhoea ( diarrhoea occurs due to contraction of smooth muscles of gut causing person to defecate frequently).
5. HEART- Effect of caffiene on heart rate is variable. First, it increases the rate by increasing contractions of heart muscles but later due to reflex activity, heart rate decreases. But generally lowered rate is observed.
6. BLOOD PRESSURE- Intake of caffiene leads to slight increase in blood pressure.
7. KIDNEYS- Caffiene act by inhibiting a hormone called ADH. Due to this a person feels an urge to urinate after tea intake.
NOTE:- Also one should keep in mind anything taken in excess leads to side effects on body. So excessive intake of daily caffiene may lead to Arryhthmia
(Irregular heart beats). !
Amazing blog💯